Our support of The Tween Esteem Camp is only possible
because of your donations.
Through scholarships and in-kind donations, the Tween Esteem Camp grants scholarships to 9- to 12-year-old girls for a full day of gaining empowerment, self-esteem, confidence, and direction.
Being a Tween is a tough time in life, especially in today's world. As you know, we oftentimes don't hear what's said by our own families, but we do listen to those outside of our usual environment.
At the Tween Esteem Camp, our mission is to empower these young ladies with the tools to STEP UP and SPEAK OUT with confidence and authority and to step into their power. The skills they learn at the Camp will be carried with them forever.

The ladies will be taught how to WRITE IT OUT, where they experience how powerful writing can be to release any anger they may be holding onto, gain mental clarity about their own lives, and activate creativity that may be bottled up inside.
They will learn how to become an entrepreneur, how to allocate a portion of their earnings to charity, and the importance of re-investing in their business.
The girls will be given a make-up kit and taught how to apply age-appropriate make-up by a professional make-up artist. They are taught menstruation education and hygiene, followed by a Q & A session. Self-affirmation exercises will be taught, social skills sharpened, and they will create a vision board to manifest their future.

In addition to all the learning, plenty of fun is to be had while decorating their caboodles, dancing, playing team building games and becoming more empowered and inspired than before. The day ends with a graduation ceremony with parents invited to attend. This is a unique experience and amazing opportunity to infuse confidence, self-esteem and direction in our youth today to build strong leaders for tomorrow! The girls leave empowered to STEP UP and SPEAK OUT with confidence and authority.
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© 2022 The Giving Angels, Inc.